The New American Crusade

I want to make clear that despite the spurious claims of our modern media and intelligentsia pertaining to the crusades they were a just and required undertaking.  While modern revisionists claim that the crusades were nothing more than a desire for enrichment and an outward expression of xenophobia against a peaceful and enlightened people the truth is far from that lie.  The war loving followers of Mohammed had been invading Christendom for over four centuries, capturing a sizable portion of it before Pope Urban II sanctioned the crusades at the Council of Clermont in 1095.  I want you to allow that to sink in for a moment especially as it counters the information you hear on an almost daily basis in the media.  The progenitor of today’s Western powers sat idle for over 400 years as the followers of Mohammed attacked, subdued and seized their lands.  While Islam subjugated both Jew and Christian in their quest for world domination the whole of Christendom sat back and took the position that it wasn’t their problem.  By doing that they permitted Islam to become the primary force in roughly 60% of the known world.  It wasn’t until the Islamists had hemmed in the very heart of Christendom that our ancestors finally reacted.  We do not have the luxury of that kind of patience my friends.

In our modern world a small, well organized terror cell can do more damage in a single day than could an entire marauding army of the 11th century.  The stakes are every bit as high today as they were in 1095 at Clermont.  We are in a war for our lives, our civilization and our very souls.  The most disheartening fact is that we are fighting far more today than merely Islam.  The Mohammedans do indeed direct their hatred and energy at our destruction but we fight a war on multiple fronts today and we can no longer deny the deleterious effects that war is having on our society, our children and our hope for a future free from the bonds of slavery at the hands of those hell bent on ruling us.  We must gird ourselves for battle and begin the arduous journey back into the light and back to the heritage our forefathers preserved for us.  We owe our God, ourselves and our children nothing less.

We must begin this by ending the policing of our minds and our words.  We must be unafraid to stand before the world and call evil by its name and sin as it is.  We must face the Islamist free from fear and confident in our faith while calling out the moral relativist and the humanist to do battle on the same field of ideas.  We must cease to fear the forces arrayed against us and we must call them out into the light so that we can show the world their true intent.  With our hearts full of love for our fellow man we must stand before our enemy and remember always to love the sinner but detest the sin.  We must follow the words of that oath and endeavor to “be without fear in the face your enemies”.

We must strive to live the life our savior has provided to us and live it in a manner that God would have us live it in.  We know we are not perfect and we can do nothing to deserve or earn the Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ but we must strive with all we are to return to the life God has planned for us.  We should be mindful of our need to sacrifice for our families, our community, our church and our world.  “Be brave and upright that God may love thee”.  We know that God loves us unconditionally as found in Romans 5:8 that “even while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us”.  Still, the sentiment of the oath is no less powerful for that knowledge.

We must challenge the concept that we are somehow responsible for the thin skinned peevishness of our peers and our opponents alike.  We are obligated to speak the truth no matter the outcome.  We must not fear to speak the truth though the entire host of hell should be arrayed against us.  Matthew 10:28 tells us “Do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul.”  We must return control of our hearts and our thoughts to our own will and not the will of those who would call themselves our masters.  We cannot permit the government at any level to control our conscience.  This has occurred because the forces of our opponent demand that we not call evil by its rightful name.  We are enjoined to deny the existence of absolutes and avoid comparisons of right and wrong or good and evil.  We must embrace the truth and we must do so with joy and vigor.  We must “Speak the truth always, even if it leads to your death”.

Finally, we must embrace the concepts of mercy and grace.  We must remember that while we would give our lives in the service of our Lord we must also be willing to “safeguard the helpless and do no wrong”.  We cannot allow our hearts to fill with hate even for our enemy.  Unlike our enemy we should be ever mindful of our Lords entreaty to “Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you”.

My brothers and sisters the time is now.  We must move forward with strength and love upheld by an unbending resolve that while we love our neighbors and we will not cease to follow the example of our Lord we can no longer accept the gag demanded by our would be masters nor can we stand aside and permit the enemies of our God and our land to destroy the inheritance that is ours.  Whether the foe be foreign or native born we can no longer passively accept the destruction of our nation.  We must speak out and we must stand firm as we find in 1 Corinthians 15:58.   “Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong.”  Again as we find in 1 Corinthians 16:13-14 we should “Be on guard.  Stand firm in the faith.  Be courageous.  Be strong.  And do everything with love”.  We are going to love but we are not going to back down one inch.

Welcome to The New American Crusade!

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