Clean out your own house

We are hammered day in and day out relating to a variety of issues in our society and being told that what makes us great is our diversity.  We are told that our diversity makes us strong and that in everything from national politics and the military to policing and education we are better because we embrace and trumpet our diversity.  Reality, my friends, is quite different.  Have you not asked yourself how America rose to prominence on the world stage with so much unity and focused sense of purpose if the answer to strength and success is diversity?

Our republic was made great by our unity of purpose.  Our nation has been great because we shared a common set of values and the belief that individual liberty trumps submission to the collective.  Our nation has always expected personal responsibility and a firm belief in right and wrong.  We became great over the course of our history because of our shared vision and goals, despite our diversity.  If you cannot see that then you are likely contributing to the problem.

When our military builds cohesive units for battle and for the defense of this nation it has done so by unifying the vision, understanding and dedication of its members.  We don’t tout diversity in our military because we don’t want everyone pulling the oar at a different time and angle, we want unity.  Our nation has persisted on a simple premise; that our national identity is unified on principles and values.  The oft touted aphorism that we are better because of our diversity is really only partially true.  America has always been great at accepting diverse individuals and integrating them into our midst.  We have taken cultural excerpts and facets throughout our history and integrated them with our own, and this Borg like assimilation has benefited our nation tremendously.  What we do not appreciate, nor should we, is the balkanization of our people and communities.  The key issue on the table, be our immigrants Latino, Arab, Asian, European or other is that we should have room for the immigrant who desires to become an American.  If you wish to assimilate with us, embrace our culture, speak our language, cherish our history and contribute positively to our future then you should be welcomed and celebrated as a member of the family.  On the other hand, if you are coming here as an emissary of your chosen culture, with no alteration in your allegiance and a desire to partake of our national produce and largess while you strive to tear down our culture to be replaced with your own ideals then you should be removed from our midst and sent back to the place you obviously love and belong.

Coming to America and refusing to learn the language, adopt the culture, share in our values or cherish our history is not immigrating, it’s invading.  We have no room for invaders but we do have a plan for them.  It’s an old theme but it is still as useful today as it was back then.  If you don’t love it leave it.  I don’t care what your creed, color, religion or country of origin is.  If you don’t come here to be one of us we don’t need you.

If you raise the flag of another nation on our soil you are not contributing to the betterment of our republic and you need to be gone.

If you insist on our society making accommodations for you and your chosen language rather than learning ours then you are not contributing to the betterment of our republic and you need to be gone.

If you love the benefits of being in America because of all the freedom and goodies you can have access to but you love your home country and its culture more, then you are not contributing to the betterment of our republic and you need to be gone.

If your first thought when something goes awry here in America is “that’s not the way we do that where I come from” then it would be better for all of us if you went back where you come from.

This is not to say that our immigrants don’t contribute to our growth and betterment nor is it to say that we do everything right and there is no room for criticism.  If you are here to love America (not her government) and make this the best America it can be then we want you here.  If, however, you are here to fundamentally change America to suit your views and ideals as they have been fashioned in whatever little piece of the world you matriculated from then we don’t want your help, we don’t need your input and we are not going to tolerate your interference.  We are tired of being told how great everyone else’s culture is.  If you laud the culture of Mexico as something we should aspire to here then go back to Mexico and laud it from there.  If you think that the culture of whatever Islamic nation is just perfect and you want our nation to adopt sharia law, worship Allah,  beat our wives and cover them in burqas then you definitely need to return to whatever nation you left and stay there.  We don’t need you.

We are engaged in a grand debate already as we attempt to salvage the vestiges of our Judeo-Christian heritage.  We have already permitted both immigrants and our own people to slowly dismantle our institutions, traditions, values and culture from within.  At some point the gauntlet has to be cast and we must take up positions on the wall.  Groups such as La Raza and CAIR that attack American culture from within should be thoroughly discredited and removed from our midst.  These groups are not advocating for American issues or American solutions.  These groups are, by design advocating for the betterment of foreign peoples, nations and cultures.  That is not American liberty but rather invasion of America.

There’s no point in going on and on about this.  The premise is simple.  We have no problem with “legal” immigration and we love our immigrants.  We do not love our invaders.  Step one of the new crusade is to clearly define our immigration policies and remember that when it comes to immigration America must come first.  If you want to come here to put Mexico, Lebanon, Iraq, China, Somalia, Kenya, Belgium, France or Russia first then don’t come here.  That doesn’t mean we hate you we just want you to embrace and promote your culture in your nation.

In order for our republic to be of service to others we must have our own house in order.  If we are to be a light to the world we must first clearly identify, face and defeat our own darkness.  If we cannot recognize the plank in our own eye there is no hope for clearing the speck from our neighbor’s eye.  America has been a force for good and a pillar of truth in the world but we have lost much of that due to our own iniquities in recent decades.  We must open our hearts to Christ’s love and fill our minds with discernment.  Dwell on what is true and cast aside what is false.  Christ told his disciples “Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves”.  There is much to that interaction over and above a good quote, however, that should be considered.  Christ further enjoined the disciples that ”as ye go, preach, saying, The kingdom of heaven is at hand. Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils: freely ye have received, freely give”.  The concept of discernment goes hand in hand with their mission for Christ also told his disciples “beware of men: for they will deliver you up to the councils, and they will scourge you in their synagogues; And ye shall be brought before governors and kings for my sake”.  Finally he admonishes “the brother shall deliver up the brother to death, and the father the child: and the children shall rise up against their parents, and cause them to be put to death. And ye shall be hated of all men for my name’s sake: but he that endureth to the end shall be saved”.

Don’t convince yourself that others will like our words or applaud our stance.  We must be bold but do so with love.  We must be strong but never lose the meekness of our nature.  We must be steadfast of purpose and willing to be persecuted even unto death.  There is no room for hatred or anger but there is also no room for indecision and weakness.  We ultimately seek truth and never retribution.

This is our cause.

This is our purpose.

Welcome to the New American Crusade.


  1. Very well written and straight to the core of the issue. Thank you for your words and direction. It would be very interesting to hear what the founding fathers had to say on the issue of immigration. I have no doubt the subject was debated at great length.

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