Reap The Whirlwind

I’m somewhat confused regarding the lather that Hollywood and the press have worked themselves into over the unceasing allegations of sexual misconduct.  I fully understand the impropriety of the actions taken by many in these professions, but I wonder about the nature of the outrage when the very industries that seem to be hit hardest are those that have consistently pushed the limits of refuse and depravity that they have peddled to the public these many years in the twin names of art and news.  The folks in media and art have preached to us for decades that they were to be exempted from the simplistic and puritanical standards that most Americans had held dear for generations.   They simply weren’t going to have us interfering with their life’s work because we were offended by a little breast or a much needed, racy, love scene.  No subject has been taboo, and each successive generation has been indoctrinated with ever increasing levels of filth and promiscuity.  I must say that it comes as no surprise then that the purveyors of this trash such as Weinstein and his ilk allowed the desolation of their souls to spread from their art to their lives.

To all the stars and starlets out there you chose to dance with the devil.  You took in the soul shattering filth of your masters and you have been complicit in spreading their putrid darkness.  You could not accept our simplistic restrictions on these behaviors so now you live in a world where the “feel good” reigns.  You are victims of your own desires and depravity.  You want all to be permitted for yourselves, but you want everyone to follow your rules for how they interact with you.  All is permitted my friends but not all is beneficial.  You are learning only the first fraction of the cost for the evil and putrescence you have set free.

Do not cry to we simplistic fools.  Do not seek our pity for we have none for you after the damage you have heaped on our children, our families, and our nation.  You have sown the wind and now you begin to reap the whirlwind.

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