Clean out your own house

September 6, 2016 crusadeadmin 2

We are hammered day in and day out relating to a variety of issues in our society and being told that what makes us great is our diversity.  We are told that our diversity makes us strong and that in everything from national politics and the military to policing and education we are better because we embrace and trumpet our diversity.  Reality, my friends, is quite different.  Have you not asked yourself how America rose […]

The New American Crusade

September 3, 2016 crusadeadmin 0

I want to make clear that despite the spurious claims of our modern media and intelligentsia pertaining to the crusades they were a just and required undertaking.  While modern revisionists claim that the crusades were nothing more than a desire for enrichment and an outward expression of xenophobia against a peaceful and enlightened people the truth is far from that lie.  The war loving followers of Mohammed had been invading Christendom for over four centuries, […]