Reap The Whirlwind

January 10, 2018 crusadeadmin 0

I’m somewhat confused regarding the lather that Hollywood and the press have worked themselves into over the unceasing allegations of sexual misconduct.  I fully understand the impropriety of the actions taken by many in these professions, but I wonder about the nature of the outrage when the very industries that seem to be hit hardest are those that have consistently pushed the limits of refuse and depravity that they have peddled to the public these […]

Unfettered Capitalism

January 6, 2018 crusadeadmin 0

I frequently hear today’s youth and future leaders bemoaning the existence and propagation of unfettered capitalism.  The carefully engineered arguments always follow a simple pattern.  Some well meaning soul tells us that unfettered capitalism is actually unbridled greed and evil in the extreme.  Anyone who replies with the rejoinder that capitalism is the greatest and most successful financial system in history and has raised more people from poverty than any other system is promptly labeled […]