Reap The Whirlwind

January 10, 2018 crusadeadmin 0

I’m somewhat confused regarding the lather that Hollywood and the press have worked themselves into over the unceasing allegations of sexual misconduct.  I fully understand the impropriety of the actions taken by many in these professions, but I wonder about the nature of the outrage when the very industries that seem to be hit hardest are those that have consistently pushed the limits of refuse and depravity that they have peddled to the public these […]

Slow to Anger Doesn’t Mean “Never Angry”

August 26, 2017 crusadeadmin 0

Be without fear in the face of your enemies. Be brave and upright that God may love thee. Speak the truth always, even if it leads to your death. Safeguard the helpless and do no wrong. That is your oath.   I’m not actually so much interested in the authenticity of this oath and whether or not it was actually an oath utilized by the Knights Templar.  What I do care about is the sentiment […]

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Forward from memory – 9/11

September 12, 2016 crusadeadmin 0

Much will be said today and has already been said over the course of the preceding days regarding the events of 9/11/2001.  Many of us have said a great deal over the past 15 years and so I will not launch into a lengthy diatribe.  I will, however, take a moment to comment for my own sake and perhaps for your edification on the momentous event that this day should be each year. We can […]

Clean out your own house

September 6, 2016 crusadeadmin 2

We are hammered day in and day out relating to a variety of issues in our society and being told that what makes us great is our diversity.  We are told that our diversity makes us strong and that in everything from national politics and the military to policing and education we are better because we embrace and trumpet our diversity.  Reality, my friends, is quite different.  Have you not asked yourself how America rose […]

The New American Crusade

September 3, 2016 crusadeadmin 0

I want to make clear that despite the spurious claims of our modern media and intelligentsia pertaining to the crusades they were a just and required undertaking.  While modern revisionists claim that the crusades were nothing more than a desire for enrichment and an outward expression of xenophobia against a peaceful and enlightened people the truth is far from that lie.  The war loving followers of Mohammed had been invading Christendom for over four centuries, […]